This work is concerned with the determination of the adhesion strength between a paper web and an adhesive surface. Edvardsson et al. [Edvardsson, S., Gradin, P., and Isaksson, P., “On Dissipative Effects of Paper Web Adhesion Strength,” Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol. 48(1), 2011, pp. 24–30] suggested recently a model that takes into account the energy dissipation caused by elastic–plastic deformation in the bent structure of a paper specimen. This model is further developed and investigated in the present work. A linear relation in plastic dissipation is discovered facilitating a novel analysis of the peeling tension and a more convenient determination of the proper adhesion strength. Industrial relevant examples are made with wet newsprint and kraft stock. A straightforward experimental procedure for determining the consistent adhesion strength is suggested. It is found that the agreement between the model and the experimental observations is good.