Gurson’s mixed hardening plasticity model (which takes into account the progressive damage due to void nucleation and growth of an initially dense material), with strain and stress-controlled nucleations, was used in a large deformation finite element program to study the plastic flow and damage in the uniaxial compression of cylinders under sticking friction. Effects of strain hardening, nucleation models, yield surface curvature, and geometry on the distributions and evolutions of stresses, strains, mean stress, void fractions, and coalescence are studied in detail. Using Gurson’s isotropic hardening model, positive mean and axial stresses developed at the bulge of the cylinder with growth of voids at latter stages of deformation. Due low stress triaxiality (Σm/σe<0.6) at the bulge, the process is nucleation rather than growth dominated for the majority of the cases studied. At failure, the maximum void fraction at the bulge among all cases studied is 0.085 and is far less than the critical void fraction (≈0.15) for coalescence.
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January 1994
Research Papers
A Finite-Element Work-Hardening Plasticity Model of the Uniaxial Compression and Subsequent Failure of Porous Cylinders Including Effects of Void Nucleation and Growth—Part I: Plastic Flow and Damage
J. H. Lee
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775
Y. Zhang
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Jan 1994, 116(1): 69-79 (11 pages)
Published Online: January 1, 1994
Article history
May 1, 1991
June 10, 1993
April 29, 2008
Lee, J. H., and Zhang, Y. (January 1, 1994). "A Finite-Element Work-Hardening Plasticity Model of the Uniaxial Compression and Subsequent Failure of Porous Cylinders Including Effects of Void Nucleation and Growth—Part I: Plastic Flow and Damage." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. January 1994; 116(1): 69–79.
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