The maintenance and restoration of masonry structures are often repetitive processes. Many of the problems encountered are very common. Many problems requiring maintenance and repair could have been mitigated or prevented with a little foresight and coordination during the design and construction period. Why is so much effort expended on “repairing the repairs”? This paper discusses how common mistakes occur and why. Many of the perceived restraints on the design and construction phases such as time, budget, level of craftsmanship, and material costs do and should affect the project. However, these constraints must be balanced against the functionality of the masonry, such as durability, structural stability, weather barrier, and aesthetics. Through real-life examples, this paper describes a simple repair of rehabilitation process that will lead to a successful project outcome: Long lasting, low maintenance masonry structures. It takes into account the owner’s needs, priorities, and budgetary, physical, and time constraints before any design development or repair begins. For comparison, unsuccessful project outcomes from actual projects will also be explored.