In this paper, an innovative system combining a heat pump (HP) and an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) process is proposed. This system is integrated with a solar roof, which is used as a thermal source to provide heat in winter months (HP mode) and electricity in summer months (ORC mode) when an excess irradiation is available on the solar roof. The main advantage of the proposed unit is its similarity with a traditional HP: the HP/ORC unit only requires the addition of a pump and four-way valves compared to a simple HP, which can be achieved at a low cost. A methodology for the optimal sizing and design of the system is proposed, based on the optimization of both continuous parameters such as heat exchanger size or discrete variables such as working fluid. The methodology is based on yearly simulations, aimed at optimizing the system performance (the net yearly power generation) over its whole operating range instead of just nominal sizing operating conditions. The simulations allow evaluating the amount of thermal energy and electricity generated throughout the year, yielding a net electric power output of 3496 kWh throughout the year.
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January 2016
Design, Modeling, and Performance Optimization of a Reversible Heat Pump/Organic Rankine Cycle System for Domestic Application
Sylvain Quoilin,
Sylvain Quoilin
Energy Systems Research Unit,
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
Energy Systems Research Unit,
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
Search for other works by this author on:
Olivier Dumont,
Olivier Dumont
Energy Systems Research Unit,
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
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Vincent Lemort
Vincent Lemort
Energy Systems Research Unit,
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
Search for other works by this author on:
Sylvain Quoilin
Energy Systems Research Unit,
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
Energy Systems Research Unit,
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
Olivier Dumont
Energy Systems Research Unit,
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
Kristian Harley Hansen
Vincent Lemort
Energy Systems Research Unit,
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
University of Liège,
Chemin des chevreuils 7,
Liège 4000, Belgium
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Cycle Innovations Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received April 16, 2014; final manuscript received July 2, 2015; published online August 12, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Piero Colonna.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jan 2016, 138(1): 011701 (10 pages)
Published Online: August 12, 2015
Article history
April 16, 2014
Revision Received:
July 2, 2015
Quoilin, S., Dumont, O., Harley Hansen, K., and Lemort, V. (August 12, 2015). "Design, Modeling, and Performance Optimization of a Reversible Heat Pump/Organic Rankine Cycle System for Domestic Application." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. January 2016; 138(1): 011701.
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