A fully established elastohydrodynamic lubricating (EHL) film between the piston and the liner surfaces during normal engine operation minimizes piston slap and prevents adhesive wear. Wear cannot be prevented in the initial engine start up due to the absence of EHL film. During normal engine operation, thermal loading due to combustion dominates piston skirts lubrication. However, in a few initial cold engine start-up cycles, shear heating affects the lubricant viscosity and other characteristics considerably. This study models 2D piston skirts EHL by incorporating shear heating effects due to lubricant flow between the skirts and liner surfaces. The hydrodynamic and EHL film profiles are predicted by solving the 2D Reynolds equation and using the inverse solution technique, respectively. The temperature distribution within the oil film is given by using the 2D transient thermal energy equation with heat generated by viscous heating. The numerical analysis is based on an energy equation having adiabatic conduction and convective heat transfer with no source term effects. The study is extended to low and high viscosity grade engine oils to investigate the adverse effects of the rising temperatures on the load carrying capacity of such lubricants. Numerical simulations show that piston eccentricities, film thickness profiles, hydrodynamic and EHL pressures visibly change when using different viscosity grade engine lubricants. This study optimizes the viscosity-grade of an engine lubricant to minimize the adhesive wear of the piston skirts and cylinder liner at the time of initial engine start up.
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e-mail: adnan_qasim@yahoo.com
e-mail: drafzaalmalik@yahoo.com
e-mail: mumtaz-alikhan@hotmail.com
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March 2012
Research Papers
Modeling Shear Heating in Piston Skirts EHL Considering Different Viscosity Oils in Initial Engine Start Up
S. Adnan Qasim,
e-mail: adnan_qasim@yahoo.com
S. Adnan Qasim
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
, Peshawar Road, 46000 Rawalpindi, Pakistan
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M. Afzaal Malik,
e-mail: drafzaalmalik@yahoo.com
M. Afzaal Malik
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
, Peshawar Road, 46000 Rawalpindi, Pakistan
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M. Ali Khan,
e-mail: mumtaz-alikhan@hotmail.com
M. Ali Khan
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
, Peshawar Road, 46000 Rawalpindi, Pakistan
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R. A. Mufti
e-mail: drmufti@hotmail.com
R. A. Mufti
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
, H-12, 44000 Islamabad, Pakistan
Search for other works by this author on:
S. Adnan Qasim
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
, Peshawar Road, 46000 Rawalpindi, Pakistan
e-mail: adnan_qasim@yahoo.com
M. Afzaal Malik
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
, Peshawar Road, 46000 Rawalpindi, Pakistan
e-mail: drafzaalmalik@yahoo.com
M. Ali Khan
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
, Peshawar Road, 46000 Rawalpindi, Pakistan
e-mail: mumtaz-alikhan@hotmail.com
R. A. Mufti
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
, H-12, 44000 Islamabad, Pakistan
e-mail: drmufti@hotmail.com
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Mar 2012, 134(3): 032802 (8 pages)
Published Online: January 4, 2012
Article history
January 9, 2011
July 18, 2011
January 4, 2012
January 4, 2012
Adnan Qasim, S., Afzaal Malik, M., Ali Khan, M., and Mufti, R. A. (January 4, 2012). "Modeling Shear Heating in Piston Skirts EHL Considering Different Viscosity Oils in Initial Engine Start Up." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. March 2012; 134(3): 032802. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4004717
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