Some recent papers by document examiners have included discussions of findings stated in terms of probability and have raised questions about the propriety of giving such testimony in criminal trials. The present paper asserts the view that formation of a conclusion is progressive; that examination may be terminated in some cases with a statement of probability; and that the examiner must report whatever conclusion he or she has and must describe the evidence that brought about that conclusion. If, as the result of laboratory work, the document examiner is asked by competent authority to appear in court, he or she has an obligation to take the witness stand and respond to questions of attorneys and the court.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, J. P.
, “Certainty or Uncertainty in Expert Testimony
,” Journal of Police Science and Administration
, Vol. 7
, No. 1
, 03
, pp. 26
, J. F.
, “The Axioms of Handwriting Comparison
,” presented at the 8th International Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences, Wichita
, Kans.
, 05
, O.
, “Is There Any Place in Criminal Prosecutions for Qualified Opinions by Document Examiners?
” Journal of Forensic Sciences
, Vol. 24
, No. 3
, 07
, pp. 579
, A.
, “Qualified vs. No Conclusion Reports
,” Identification News
, Vol. 12
, No. 4
, 04
, pp. 6
, A.
, “Qualifications in Reports and in Testimony
,” presented at a conference of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, Denver
, Colo.
, 08
, A.
, “Probability as Qualification—A Variety of Comment upon Probability in the Field of Judgment
,” supplement to Ref 5, American Society of Questioned Document Examiners paper, 11
, J. M.
, A Treatise on Probability
, Macmillan & Co.
, London
, 1929
, pp. 4, 5, and 38.8.
Code of Ethics
,” American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, 1942
, reprinted 1976.9.
, J.
, Logic—The Theory of Inquiry
, Henry Holt & Co.
, New York
, 1939
, pp. 9 and 246.10.
, M. R.
, A Preface to Logic
, Henry Holt & Co.
, New York
, 1945
, pp. 100
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