Just as an exit wound can be shored by firm material pressed against the skin, so can an entry wound. The configuration of supported entrance wounds is examined in relation to type of shoring material and weapon caliber, by using anesthetized pigs. Corresponding wounds with the same shoring materials used as intermediate targets are also studied.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
, R.
and Senior
, W. J.
, “Shotgun Patterns. I. An Experimental Study on the Influence of Intermediate Targets
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences
, Vol. 12
, No. 2
, 04
, pp. 193
, C. J.
, Jones
, S. R.
, Johnson
, F. B.
, and Luke
, J. L.
, “The Effect of Glass as an Intermediate Target on Bullets: Experimental Studies and Report of a Case
,” Journal of Forensic Sciences
, Vol. 24
, No. 1
, 01
, pp. 6
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