This report is one of several current formal reports (1) covering the activities of the ASME Special Research Committee on Furnace Performance Factors. These investigations were undertaken early in 1945, as one of the direct contributions of the Committee to the fundamental knowledge of heat-transfer processes in water-cooled boiler furnaces. The present investigation is still under way and this report is an introduction to and description of the project along with a presentation of significant data procured and analyzed up to December, 1946. The investigation is being carried out on boiler No. 11 at the Tidd Plant of The Ohio Power Company, Brilliant, Ohio. Directly co-operating with the Committee in the installation of apparatus, testing, and analysis of data are the American Gas and Electric Service Corporation, Combustion Engineering Company, and U. S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh Experiment Station. It was at the initial suggestion and invitation of Mr. Philip Sporn, a member of the main Committee, that a comprehensive investigation of furnace-heat absorption on a full-scale unit was held desirable, and one of the Tidd Plant boilers was made available to the Committee for such an undertaking.