This paper presents a numerical simulation study of dense granular-suspension flow in a conduit with constriction. An empirical function of solid concentrations and Reynolds number prescribes the force between a particle and the fluid. This simplification reduces the computing load of the fine flow-field details around each particle. In the fluid-momentum equation, a source term distributes the force over the particle volume. The study addresses particle-laden flow at constant liquid-flow rate. Two different algorithms of the interparticle contact show that the bridging phenomenon causing the blockage of the particles persists in the presence of the fluid flow. While the particles are in movement, there are frequent interparticle and particle-wall impacts and vigorous fluctuations of the net reaction force on the wall from the particle phase. There is close correlation between the component of this reaction oriented in the flow direction and the rate of change in the pressure drop across the constricted conduit.
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January 2010
Research Papers
Modeling Blockage of Particles in Conduit Constrictions: Dense Granular-Suspension Flow
A. J. Parry,
A. J. Parry
Department of Modeling and Simulation,
Schlumberger Riboud Product Center
, 1 Rue Henri Becquerel, Clamart 92140, France
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O. Millet
O. Millet
Laboratoire d’Etude des Phénomènes de Transfert et d’Instantanéité: Agro-Ressources et Bâtiment,
Université de la Rochelle
, Avenue Michel Crepeau, Cedex 1, La Rochelle 17042, France
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A. J. Parry
Department of Modeling and Simulation,
Schlumberger Riboud Product Center
, 1 Rue Henri Becquerel, Clamart 92140, Francee-mail:
O. Millet
Laboratoire d’Etude des Phénomènes de Transfert et d’Instantanéité: Agro-Ressources et Bâtiment,
Université de la Rochelle
, Avenue Michel Crepeau, Cedex 1, La Rochelle 17042, FranceJ. Fluids Eng. Jan 2010, 132(1): 011302 (10 pages)
Published Online: January 7, 2010
Article history
December 10, 2008
November 6, 2009
January 7, 2010
Parry, A. J., and Millet, O. (January 7, 2010). "Modeling Blockage of Particles in Conduit Constrictions: Dense Granular-Suspension Flow." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. January 2010; 132(1): 011302.
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