In this study, a dynamic finite element model is developed for pulley belt-drive systems and is employed to determine the transient and steady-state response of a prototypical belt-drive. The belt is modeled using standard truss elements, while the pulleys are modeled using rotating circular constraints, for which the driver pulley’s angular velocity is prescribed. Frictional contact between the pulleys and the belt is modeled using a penalty formulation with frictional contact governed by a Coulomb-like tri-linear friction law. One-way clutch elements are modeled using a proportional torque law supporting torque transmission in a single direction. The dynamic response of the drive is then studied by incorporating the model into an explicit finite element code, which can maintain time-accuracy for large rotations and for long simulation times. The finite element solution is validated through comparison to an exact analytical solution of a steadily-rotating, two-pulley drive. Several response quantities are compared, including the normal and tangential (friction) force distributions between the pulleys and the belt, the driven pulley angular velocity, and the belt span tensions. Excellent agreement is found. Transient response results for a second belt-drive example involving a one-way clutch are used to demonstrate the utility and flexibility of the finite element solution approach.
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December 2002
Technical Papers
Transient and Steady-State Dynamic Finite Element Modeling of Belt-Drives
Michael J. Leamy,
Michael J. Leamy
United States Military Academy, West Point, NY 10996
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Tamer M. Wasfy
Tamer M. Wasfy
Advanced Science and Automation Corp., Hampton, VA 23666
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Michael J. Leamy
United States Military Academy, West Point, NY 10996
Tamer M. Wasfy
Advanced Science and Automation Corp., Hampton, VA 23666
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, MEASUREMENT, AND CONTROL. Manuscript received by the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, May 2001; final revision, April 2002. Associate Editor: C. Rahn.
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Dec 2002, 124(4): 575-581 (7 pages)
Published Online: December 16, 2002
Article history
May 1, 2001
April 1, 2002
December 16, 2002
Leamy, M. J., and Wasfy, T. M. (December 16, 2002). "Transient and Steady-State Dynamic Finite Element Modeling of Belt-Drives ." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. December 2002; 124(4): 575–581.
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