9R9. Higher-Order Numerical Methods for Transient Wave Equations. Scientific Computation. - GC Cohen (Domaine de Voluceau, INRIA, Rocquencourt, BP 105, Le Chesnay, 78153 Cedex, France). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2002. 348 pp. ISBN 3-540-41598-X. $69.95.

Reviewed by GC Gaunaurd (Code AMSRL-SE-RU, Army Res Lab, 2800 Powder Mill Rd, Adelphi MD 20783-1197).

This is a book reviewing techniques for the numerical solution of the various types of wave equations present in various fields of classical physics, such as acoustics, electromagnetism, and elastodynamics. Portions could be used in undergraduate courses, but the bulk of the book relates to graduate work in numerical analysis.

The book, like Gaul, is divided in three parts. The first part is devoted to the presentation and derivation of the basic wave equations that appear in the three classical fields of physics mentioned above. There are chapters dealing with the equations themselves, on the boundary conditions for each case, and...

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