11R28. Soil Retaining Structures: Development of Models for Structural Analysis. - KJ Bakker (Delft Univ of Tech, Rijkswaterstaat, Utrecht, Netherlands). Balkema Publ, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2000. 228 pp. ISBN 90-5809-321-2. $75.00.
Reviewed by SK Ghaswala (1/B Edena, 97 M Karve Rd, Bombay, Maharashtra 400020, India).
The study of the development of models for structural analysis, particularly for soil-retaining structures, has not been undertaken vigorously. The author has filled this lacuna by discussing in detail the model design methodology, tools for analysis, and the merits of models in the first three short chapters.
In order to test a feasible structure for its limit-state condition, models are used. The time when a structure was built and then verified by a loading test—that is a predefined overloading of the prototype—has now passed. Therefore, modern structural analysis now relies on models, and here the emphasis is on finite element techniques. The main feature of this...