Seismic wave scattering representation for the layered half-space with lateral inhomogeneities subjected to a seismic dislocation source has been formulated in the companion paper with the use of first-order perturbation (Born-type approximation) technique. The total wave field is obtained as a superposition of the mean and the scattered wave fields, which are generated, respectively, by a series of double couples of body forces equivalent to the seismic dislocation source and by fictitious body forces equivalent to the existence of the lateral inhomogeneities in the layered half-space. The responses in both the mean and the scattered wave fields are found with the aid of an integral transform technique and wave propagation analysis. The characteristics of the scattered waves and their effects on the mean waves or corresponding induced ground and/or underground mean responses are investigated in this paper. In particular, coupling phenomena between P-SV and SH waves and wave number shifting effects between the mean and the scattered wave responses are presented in detail. With the lateral inhomogeneities being assumed as a homogeneous random field, a qualitative analysis is provided for estimating the effects of the lateral inhomogeneities on the ground motion, which is related to a fundamental issue: whether a real earth medium can or cannot be approximately considered as a laterally homogeneous layer. The effects of the lateral inhomogeneities on the ground motion time history are also presented as a quantitative analysis. Finally, a numerical example is carried out for illustration purposes.
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March 1997
Technical Papers
Seismic Waves in a Laterally Inhomogeneous Layered Medium, Part II: Analysis
Ruichong Zhang,
Ruichong Zhang
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2531
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Liyang Zhang,
Liyang Zhang
Widlinger Associates, Inc., New York, NY 10001
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Masanobu Shinozuka
Masanobu Shinozuka
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2531
Search for other works by this author on:
Ruichong Zhang
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2531
Liyang Zhang
Widlinger Associates, Inc., New York, NY 10001
Masanobu Shinozuka
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2531
J. Appl. Mech. Mar 1997, 64(1): 59-65 (7 pages)
Published Online: March 1, 1997
Article history
June 27, 1995
October 11, 1996
October 25, 2007
Connected Content
This is a companion to:
Seismic Waves in a Laterally Inhomogeneous Layered Medium, Part I: Theory
Zhang, R., Zhang, L., and Shinozuka, M. (March 1, 1997). "Seismic Waves in a Laterally Inhomogeneous Layered Medium, Part II: Analysis." ASME. J. Appl. Mech. March 1997; 64(1): 59–65.
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